Noh C, Kang Y, Heo S, Kim T, Kim H, Chang J, Sundhar baabu PR, Shim S, Lim K, Lee J, Jo K,
SEM Imaging of Large DNA Molecules Using a Metal-Free Electro-Stain Composed of DNA-Binding Proteins and Synthetic Polymers
Advanced Science 2024, 11(28), 2309702, 7/24, DOI: 10.1002/advs.202309702, IF=14.3

Kannappan S, Jo K, Kim KK, Lee, JH
Utilizing Peptide-Anchored DNA Templates for Novel Programmable Nanoparticle Assemblies in Biological Macromolecules: A Review  
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules , 2024, 256(2) 128427, 1/8 IF=7.7

Bae J, Kim Y, Choe J, Hong J, Lee B, Hashiya K, Bando T, Sugiyama H, Lee S, Lee JH Jo K
DOM: Dual Optical Mapping Combining Sequence-specific Markers and A/T Frequency-dependent Profiles
Preprint in Research Square , 2023,, 10/20

Kim T, Jo K
Microfluidic Device to Maximize Capillary Force Driven Flows for Quantitative Single-Molecule DNA Analysis
Biochip Journal , 2023, 17, 384–392, 10.1007/s13206-023-00115-1, 8/11, IF=5.5

Kim Y, Noh C, Yu M, Bae M, Jo K
Negative Nanopore Sequencing for Mapping Biochemical Processes on DNA Molecules
Chemical Communications, 2023, 59, 9388-9391, DOI: 10.1039/D3CC02112B, 7/6 IF=4.3

Lee Y, Cho CH, Noh C, Yang JH, Park SI, Lee YM, West JA, Bhattachaya D, Jo K, Yoon HS
Origin of minicircular mitochondrial genomes in red algae
Nature Communications , 2023, 14, 3363,, 6/8, IF=14.7

Bong S, Park CB, Cho S, Bae J, Hapsari, ND, Jin X, Heo S, Lee J, Hashiya K, Bando T, Sugiyama H, Jung K, Sung BJ, Jo K
AT-specific DNA visualization revisits the directionality of bacteriophage λ DNA ejection
Nucleic Acids Research , 2023, 51(11), 5634-5646,, 6/23, IF=16.6

Jin X, Kannappanb S,Hapsari ND, Jin Y, Kim KK, Lee JH, Jo K
Towards Visualizing Genomic DNA Using Electron Microscopy via DNA Metallization
Small Structures , 2023, 4(8), 2200361, DOI:10.1002/sstr.202200361, 3/8, IF=13.9

Kim T, Kim S, Noh C, Hwang H, Shin J, Won N, Lee S, Kim D, Jang Y, Hong S, Park J, Kim S, Jang S, Lim K, Jo K
Counting DNA molecules on a microchannel surface for quantitative analysis
Talanta , 2023, 252, 123826,, 1/15, IF=5.6

Jin Y, Bae J, Kim T, Hwang H, Kim T, Yu M, Oh H, Hashiya K, Bando T, Sugiyama H, Jo K
12 Colors of Streptavidin-Fluorescent Proteins (SA-FP):
A Versatile Tool to Visualize Genetic Information in Single-Molecule DNA

Analytical Chemistry , 2022, 94, 48, 16919-16926,, 12/6 IF=6.7

Kim YT, Oh H, Seo MJ, Lee DH, Shin J, Bong S, Heo S, Hapsari ND, Jo K
21 Fluorescent Protein-based DNA Staining Dyes
Molecules , 2022, 27(16), 5248,, 8/17, IF=4.2

Jin X, Jo K
Single-molecule DNA visualization
Handbook of Chemical Biology of Nucleic Acids, 2022,

Jin X, Kim YT, Jo K
DNA visualization using fluorescent proteins
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2022, 2564, pp 223-246,, 9/16
invited contribution to a Book of Fluorescent Proteins: A Laboratory Manual

Jin X, Hapsari ND, Lee SH, Jo K
DNA binding fluorescent proteins as single-molecule probes
Analyst , 2020, 145, 4079-4095, DOI: 10.1039/D0AN00218F, 6/21, IF=3.6 invited review

Kang Y, Cheon N, Cha J, Kim A, Kim H, Lee L, Kim K, Jo K, Lee J
High-throughput single-molecule imaging system using nano-fabricated trenches and fluorescent DNA-binding proteins
Biotechnology and Bioengineering , 2020, 117(6), 1640-1648,, 6/6, IF=3.5

Kim K, Yoon S, Chang J, Lee S, Cho H, Jeong S, Jo K, Lee J
Multifunctional Heterogeneous Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposites Assembled by DNA Binding Peptide Anchors
Small, 2020, e1905821,, 1/3, IF=13

Shin E, Kim W, Lee S, Bae J, Kim S, Ko W, Seo HS, Lim S, Lee HS, Jo K
Truncated TALE-FP as DNA Staining Dye in a High-salt Buffer
Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, 17197, 10.1038/s41598-019-53722-0, 11/20 IF=3.8

Jang Y, Jin X, Shankar P, Lee J, Jo K, Lim K
Molecular-Level Interactions between Engineered Materials and Cells
International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2019, 20(17), 4142, DIOI: 10.3390/ijms20174142, 8/25, IF=4.9

Lee S, Lee Y, Kim Y, Wang C, Park J, Jung GY, Chen Y, Chang R, Ikeda S, Sugiyama H, Jo K
Nanochannel-Confined TAMRA-Polypyrrole Stained DNA Stretching by Varying the Ionic Strength from Micromolar to Millimolar Concentrations
Polymers, 2019, 11(1), 15, DOI: 10.3390/polym11010015, 12/20, IF=4.7

Park J, Lee S, Won N, Shin E, Kim S, Chun M, Gu J, Jung G, Lim K, Jo K
Single-molecule DNA visualization using AT-specific red and non-specific green DNA-binding fluorescent proteins
Analyst, 2019, 144 (3), 921-927, DOI: 10.1039/C8AN01426D, 02/07, IF=3.6
Invited contribution to a themed collection: Next wave advances in single cell analyses

Lee S, Kawamoto Y, Thangavel V, Park J, Bae J, Kim-Ha J, Sugiyama H, Jo K
TAMRA-Polypyrrole for A/T Sequence Visualization on DNA Molecules
Nucleic Acids Research , 2018, 46 (18), e108, 10/12, IF=16.6 (10/292)

Gubu, Li, Yan, Zheng, Lee S, Feng, Li, Lei, Jo K, Tang
Bioorthogonal metabolic cellular DNA labelling using vinyl thioether modified thymidine and o-quinolinone quinone methide
Chemistry A European Journal, 2018, 24(22), 5895-5900, 4/17, IF=3.9

Kounovsky-Shafer, Hernandez-Ortiz, Potamousisc, Tsvid, Place, Ravindran, Jo K, Zhou, Odijk, de Pablo, Schwartz
Electrostatic confinement and manipulation of DNA molecules for genome analysis
PNAS, 2017, 114(51), 13400-13405, 12/4, IF=9.4

Kim K, Lee S, Jin X, Kim S, Jo K, Lee J
DNA binding peptide directed synthesis of continuous DNA nanowires for analysis of large DNA molecules by scanning electron microscope
Small, 2017, 13, 1601926 , 1/11, IF=13 Featured as Cover Image

Ko W, Kim S, Lee S, Jo K, Lee H
Genetically encoded FRET sensors containing a fluorescent unnatural amino acid as a FRET donor
RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 78661-78668, 8/10, IF=3.9

Kang Y, Lee J, Kim J, Oh Y, Kim D, Lee J, Lim S, Jo K
Analysis of Alcohol-induced DNA Damage in Escherichia coli by Visualizing Single Genomic DNA Molecules
Analyst, 2016, 141, 4326-4331, 7/21 IF=3.6

Lee S, Jo K
Visualization of surface-tethered large DNA molecules with a fluorescent protein DNA binding peptide
Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2016, e54141, 6/23 IF=1.2

Lee S, Wang C, Song J, Kim D, Oh Y, Ko W, Lee J, Park J, Lee H, Jo K
Investigation of Various Fluorescent Protein-DNA Binding Peptides for Effectively Visualizing Large DNA Molecules
RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 46291-46298, 5/5, IF=3.9

Jung J, Jang E, Shoaib M, Jo K, Kim J
Droplet formation and growth inside a polymer network: A molecular dynamics simulation study
J Chem Phys, 2016, 144, 134502,4/7, IF=3.1

Lee J, Kim Y, Lim S, Jo K
Single-Molecule Visualization of ROS-induced DNA Damage in Large DNA Molecules
Analyst, 2016, 141, 847-852,2/7 , IF=3.6

Ko S, Kim S, Jo K, Lee H
Genetic incorporation of recycled unnatural amino acids
Amino acids, 2016,48(2), 847-852, 2/1, IF=3

Lee S, Oh Y; Lee J, Choe S, Lim S, Lee H, Jo K, Schwartz DC
DNA Binding Fluorescent Proteins for the Direct Visualization of Large DNA Molecules
Nucleic Acids Research, 2016,44(1),e6,1/8, IF=16.6

Lee S, Cheo S, Oh Y, Jo K
Maldi-tof analysis of binding between DNA and peptides containing lysine and tryptophan
Mass spectrometry letters, 2015, 6(3) 80-84

Lee J, Kim Y, Lee S, Jo K
Visualization of Large Elongated DNA Molecules
Electrophoresis, 2015,36(17), 2057-2071, 9/3, DOI:10.1002/elps.201400479, IF=3 Invited Review

Lee C, Park S, Lee J, Park S, Jo K, Oh H
"Mass Spectrometric Determination of Zn2+ Binding/Dissociation Constant for Zinc Finger Peptides",
Mass Spectrometry Letters, 2015,6(1), 7-12, 3/25,

Park H, Kang H, Ko W,Lee W, Jo K,Lee H
FRET-based analysis of protein-nucleic acid interactions by genetically incorporating a fluorescent amino acid
Amino Acids, 2015,47(4),729-734, 2015/4/1, IF=3

Lee J, Kim S, Jeong H, Jung GY, Chang R, Chen YL, Jo K
Nanoslit Confined DNA at Low Ionic Strengths
ACS Macro Letters, 2014,3(9),926-930, 9/16 IF=5.1

Jeong H, Song H, Pak Y, Kwon IK, Jo K, Lee H, Jung GY
Enhanced Light Absorption of Silicon Nanotube Arrays for Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Solar Cells
Advanced Materials, 2014, 26(21), 3445-3450, 6/4 IF=27.4, Featured as Cover Image

Yeom T, Lee J, Lee S, Kang S, Kim KR, Han B, Lee HS, Jo K
Mass Spectrometric Investigation of the Role of the Linking Polypeptide Chain in DNA Polymerase I
Analyst, 2014, 139(10), 2432-2439, 5/21, IF=3.6 Hot Article

Song H, Jo K, Jung BY, Jung GY
Fabrication of periodically aligned vertical single-crystalline anatase TiO2 nanotubes with perfect hexagonal open-ends by using chemical capping materials
Nano Research, 2014, 7(1): 104-109, 1/1, IF=9.5

Kounovsky-Shafer KL, Hernández-Ortiz JP, Jo K, Odijk T, de Pablo JJ, Schwartz DC
"Presentation of large DNA molecules for analysis as nanoconfined dumbbells"
Macromolecules , 2013, 46 (20), 8356-8368, 10/7, IF=5.1, Featured in Nature Biotechnology

Smith D, Han M, Park J, Kim K, Yeom T, Lee J, Kim D, Bingman C, Kim H, Jo K, Han BW, Phillips GN
Crystal structure of the protein from Arabidopsis thaliana gene At5g06450, a putative DnaQ-like exonuclease domain-containing protein with homohexameric assembly,
PROTEINS-Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 2013, 81(9), 1669-1675, 6/17, IF=3.2

Lee J, Park HS, Lim S, Jo K,
Visualization of UV-Induced Damage on Single DNA Molecules,
Chemical Communications, 2013,49(42),4740-4742, 5/25 IF=4.3 Featured as Cover Image

Park S, Park S, Oh J, Han S, Jo K, Oh H
Examination of Various Metal Ion Sources for Reducing Nonspecific Zinc finger−Zn2+ Complex Formation in ESI Mass Spectrometry,
Mass Spectrometry Letters, 2012,3(3), 82-85, 9/20

Chang R and Jo K
DNA Conformation in Nanochannels: Monte Carlo Simulation Studies Using a Primitive DNA Model
Journal of Chemical Physics, 2012, 136(9), 095101,3/7, IF=3.1 Highlight

Park S, Jo K, Oh H
"Zinc-finger Motif Noncovalent Interactions with Double-Stranded DNA Characterized by Negative-ion Electrospray Mass Spectrometry",
Analyst, 2011,136(18), 3739-3746, 9/21, IF=3.6 Featured as Cover Image

Kim Y, Jo K,
Neutravidin Coated Surfaces for Single DNA Molecule Analysis,
Chemical Communications, 2011, 47(22), 6248-6250, 6/14, IF=4.3 Featured as Cover Image

Kim Y, Kim K, Kounovsky KL, Chang R, Jung GY, de Pablo JJ, Jo K, Schwartz DC
Nanochannel Confinement: DNA Stretch Approaching Full Contour Length,
Lab on a Chip, 2011, 11(10), 1721-1729, 5/21, IF=7.517 Featured as Cover Image

Lee J, Yun Y, Kim J, Kim Y, Jo K,
Roof-Collapsed PDMS Mask for Nanochannel Fabrication,
Bulletin of Korean Chemical Society, 2011,32(1),33-34, 1/20, IF=2.3

Lee J, Yun Y, Kim Y, Jo K,
PDMS Nanoslits without Roof Collapse,
Bulletin of Korean Chemical Society, 2009, 30(8), 1793-1797, 8/20, IF=2.3

Jo K, Chen YL, de Pablo JJ, Schwartz DC,
Elongation and Migration of Single DNA Molecules in Microchannels Using Oscillatory Shear Flows,
Lab on a Chip, 2009, 9(16), 2348 - 2355, 8/21, DOI:10.1039/B902292A, IF=6.1 Highlight

Yu, H, Jo K, Kounovsky K, de Pablo JJ ,Schwartz DC,
"Molecular Propulsion: Chemical Sensing and Chemotaxis of DNA Driven by RNA Polymerase",
Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009, 131 (16), pp 5722-5723, IF=14.4

Jo K, Schramm T, Schwartz DC,
"A Single-Molecule Barcoding System using Nanoslits for DNA Analysis: Nanocoding".
Methods in Molecular Biology, 2009,
invited contribution to a Book of Micro and Nano Technologies in Bioanalysis, Vol. 544 pp 29-42

Jo K, Heien ML, Thompson LB, Zhong M, Nuzzo RG, Sweedler JV,
Mass Spectrometric Imaging of Peptide Release from Neuronal Cells within Microfluidic Devices,
Lab on a Chip, 2007, 7, 1454 - 1460, 11/1, IF=6.1 Highlight, Sep 2007

Jo K, Dhingra DM, Odijk T, de Pablo JJ, Graham MD, Runnheim R, Forrest D, and Schwartz DC,
A Single-Molecule Barcoding System Using Nanoslits for DNA Analysis,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the USA (PNAS), 2007, 104, 2673-2678, 2/20, IF=9.4
Featured in Nature Nanotech

Chen YL, Jo K, Graham MD, de Pablo JJ, Schwartz DC,
DNA Molecules in Microfluidic Oscillatory Flow,
Macromolecules, 2005, 38, 6680-6687, 6/23, IF=5.1

Jo K, Hong S, Choi MU, Chang SI, Choi JD, Koh EH,
Purification and Characterization of the Recombinant Arabidopsis Thaliana Acetolactate Synthase,
Bulletin of Korean Chemical Society, 1997, 18, 648-653, IF=2.3


주사전자현미경-기반의 광학 DNA 맵핑 방법
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SEM DNA Imaging: Black Staining Without Metals
US Patent App 18/583,491, 2024-02-21

주사전자현미경(SEM)을 통해 DNA를 분석하기 위한 DNA 분석 키트, DNA-단백질-고분자 복합체, 상기 DNA-단백질-고분자 복합체를 포함하는 조성물, 및 상기 DNA-단백질-고분자 복합체를 이용한 DNA 분석방법
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Chemical and method for analyzing dna sequence by visualizing single-molecule dna and use thereof
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단일 가닥 DNA 탐침 기반 RNA 검출 방법
KR1020210089302, 10-2020-0002259, 2020-01-07, PCT/KR2021/000103(2021-01-06), WO/2021/141369, 등록 10-2595580(2023-10-25)

DNA 서열 분석용 형광 단백질 조성물 및 이를 이용한 DNA 서열 분석 방법
KR20200072959A, 10-2018-0161115,2018-12-13, 10-2145006, 2020-08-10

DNA 분자 시각화를 이용한 DNA 서열 분석용 화합물 및 그 이용 방법
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Dna 및 염색사의 이미지 서열 맵핑 방법
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Composition Comprising DNA binding peptide for DNA staining
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System and Method for Presenting Large DNA Molecule for Analysis
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